Platinum Voice Menjalin Persahabatan Dunia Lewat SMULE

foto : Logo Platinum Voice (PV) Smule Karaoke

Jakarta,(DOC) – Para penikmat Smule sing Karaoke atau bernyanyi karaoke melalui aplikasi smartphone, sebagian besar mungkin sudah mengetahui grup Platinum Voice (PV) yang kini tengah nge-hits di aplikasi mobile phone tersebut.
Program-program maupun aktivitas grup PV di Smule seringkali menarik perhatian para Smuler, bukan hanya dari member PV saja. Mengingat hampir setiap bulan PV mengadakan challenge bagi anggotanya untuk bernyanyi duet antar member, bernyanyi single hingga bernyanyi dengan menggunakan video kreatif, seperti memakai costum ‘nyeleneh’ atau ber-akting depan kamera layaknya seorang artis.
Kekompakan para member ini, memang tak bisa digarap dan di fikirkan oleh satu orang saja sebagai founder PV.
Founder PV yang akrab di panggil ‘mom Patsy’, menjelaskan, didalam grup PV banyak member yang mempunyai skill tertentu untuk dinobatkan menjadi leader PV.
“Tugasnya bermacam-macam. Ada yang bagian rekrutmen, seleksi dan masuk ke tim kreatif. Leader ini juga ngurusi member yang dari luar negeri, sehingga ada juga member asing yang diangkat menjadi leader, seperti dari Amerika, Spain dan Pinoy,” jelas Patsy.
Untuk menjalankan program-program PV, lanjut Patsy, hampir secara keseluruhan dilaksanakan oleh Co. Founder PV.
“Co. Founder PV berdomisili di Palembang dan kita selalu koordinasi lewat seluler. Program rutin PV dilaksanakan oleh Co. Founder, termasuk ngurusi pasangan duet challenge sampai persoalan antar member PV,” papar wanita cantik yang tinggal di Cibubur Jakarta Timur ini.
Banyak macam keinginan dan kemauan para member PV yang harus diurusi oleh Co. Founder dengan netral.
Menurut Monalisa Co. Founder PV, hampir setiap hari member PV bertambah sehingga untuk saling mengenalkan, kita sering adakan challenge antar member hingga groub collabs setiap bulan.

foto : Monalisa

“Hadiahnya sih tidak seberapa. Tapi para member sangat antusias untuk mengikuti challenge karena untuk mengenal satu sama lain, sekaligus untuk menjalin ke akraban dan kekompakan,” paparnya.
Ibu berputra 3(tiga) ini, juga tak menampik, jika terdapat member PV yang kadang cek-cok karena menyinggung perasaan saat ngobrol di chat room atau di inbok smule.
“Selain di Smule, PV juga membuka pertemanan di aplikasi Line agar para member bisa ngobrol di chatting room. Ya karena member PV jumlahnya sudah ratusan, pasti ada dong yang Baper-an (bawa perasaan,red) saat ngobrol di chatroom. Kalau sudah begitu saya berusaha menjadi pendengar yang baik dan tidak memihak ke manapun, dan mencari solusi yang terbaik tanpa menyakitkan perasaan siapa pun. Itu adalah bagian tugas Co Founder,” jelasnya.

Ibu muda ini juga memaparkan tugas-tugas Co. Founder yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan pekerjaan Founder, yakni mengatur hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas grup. Bila Founder tidak di tempat, lanjut Monalisa, Co. Founder-lah yang wajib berperan aktif menjalankan semua tugas dan program-program grup.
“Contohnya seperti menjalankan event, memonitor chatroom supaya berjalan baik, rekrutment member baru, membimbing leader baru, sekaligus mengawasi/mengatur tugas/aktifitas para leader dan masih banyak lagi,” katanya.
Grup PV yang sudah lama eksis di Smule, memang memiliki goal dan tujuan tertentu di dunia entertainment, selain untuk menambah saudara dan pertemanan hingga di tingkat international. Menurut Monalisa, visi dan misi grup PV tersebut, di jalaninya dengan enjoy tanpa harus terburu-buru.
“Kedepan untuk maju di dunia entertaint memang ada, cuma dijalani dengan santai aja supaya tidak kesusu/terburu2. Perlu perencanaan yang baik dan kekompakan para member,” ungkap wanita rupawan asal Palembang ini.
Intensitas seorang Co Founder dalam memantau aktivitas para member di grup PV, harus dilakukan setiap saat. Hal ini jelas sangat menyita waktu untuk berbagi dengan keluarga. Namun bagi Monalisa, pekerjaan di Smule bukan menjadi persoalan yang memberatkan.
“Pengenalan dan silahturohim antar member harus terus dihidupkan setiap saat, sehingga setiap waktu harus dipantau. Tapi saya pantau se-sempatnya saja, kapan ada waktu luang, langsung aktif di Smule. Saya tetap ngurusi 2(dua) anak saya yang masih SD(sekolah dasar,red) dan 1(satu) anak saya yang sudah SMP(sekolah menengah pertama,red),” pungkas Monalisa.(rob/r7)

in English

Platinum Voice Establishes World Friendship Through SMULE

Jakarta, (DOC) – Most of Smule sing Karaoke users or singing karaoke through smartphone applications, probably have already known the Platinum Voice Group (PV) which is currently being hits on the mobile phone application.

The programs and activities of the PV Group on Smule often attract the attention not only from the PV members but also from Smule lover. Almost every month PV holds a challenge for its members to sing duet with other PV members, sing single using creative video, such as using the ‘weird’ costume or acting in front of the camera like an artist.

The group cohesiveness should be thought and strived not only by Founder of PV.

Patsy or who is known as ‘mom Patsy’, Founder of PV explained, “PV Group has many members who have certain skills to be appointed as leaders. They have various responsibilities, such as doing recruitments, selecting members to be part of creative team, and dealing with members, either local or foreign members. Some of PV Leaders not only come from Indonesia but also from other countries such as America, Spain and Phillipines, etc.”

“To run PV programs, Founder will be helped by Co. Founders.
One of PV Co Founders, namely Monalisa, is domiciled in Palembang. We always communicate via cellular device. PV routine activities usually carried out by Co. Founders, starting from determining singing partner of each member for PV Monthly Challenge up to solving the problems happened to PV members,” explained this beautiful woman who lives in Cibubur, East Jakarta.

There are many kinds of will and desire of PV members that Co. Founder must deal with neutral.

According to Monalisa, almost every day the number of PV members increases. So to make them know each other, we hold singing challenge every month. It can be duet or group collaborations. “The prize is not much, but the members always feel enthusiastic to participate in the challenge. The reason is they are going to know each other and at the same time to establish relationships and cohesiveness,” Mona said.

Mother with 3 (three) children, also doesn’t deny if sometimes there is conflict between PV members cause of getting offended by other’s words when chatting in a chat room or inbox smule. “Besides on Smule, PV also provides its member to establish friendship by Line Application so that members can chat in a chat room,” explained Mona.

Because there are hundreds of PV members, there must be very emotional people when chatting in the chat room. If it happens, I try to be a good listener, impartial, and find the best solution without hurting anyone’s feelings. That is the part of the Co Founder’s responsibilities, ” Mona continued.

This young mother also explained Co. Founder responsibilities are not much different from the Founder, such as manage all related to group activities. If the Founder does not exist, continued Monalisa, then Co. Founders should take over to carry out all the tasks and group programs. “For example, running an event, monitoring a chat room run well, recruiting new members, guiding new leaders, as well as supervising / managing the leaders’ tasks / activities and much more,” she said.

The PV is long enough existing on Smule. It has certain goals and objectives in entertainment world that is to eatablish brotherhood and friendship to the international level. According to Monalisa, PV has vision and mission that we need time, not in hurry to realize it. “For the future, we have intention to move to entertainment world. Indeed, we need good planning and cohesiveness of the members. So we make it slow but sure,” said this beautiful woman from Palembang.

As Co Founders, to monitor activities of members in PV group, should be done intensively. This obviously takes much while we have to share time to family. But for Monalisa, work at Smule is not a big problem. “The introduction and good relationship between members must be maintained at all times, so that every time should be monitoring. But I do it while I could. If there is free time, I will be active on Smule immediately.

I have to take care of 2 (two) my children who are still in elementary school (elementary school, red) and the other one in middle school (junior high school, red), “concluded Monalisa.(by;aurel)


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